In the last blog post, we discussed one of the overlapping areas of IR and ESG work, namely perception studies. This article deals with another intersectional topic that has become perhaps the most discussed subject of the AGM season: "Say on Climate" ("SoC"). GEA Group AG was the first company in the DAX index family to hold an SoC in...

Perception studies play a similar role in IR work as materiality analyses in modern ESG work. Basically, the aim is to determine the perception of the company by relevant capital market participants in order to identify potential weaknesses before they become critical for the company. In the IR context, there may already be a need for action if investors are...

While the topic of "biodiversity" was a niche topic for a long time, it has recently moved noticeably into the focus of the capital markets. In an editorial published in the Börsen-Zeitung in October 2023, Wolf Brandes even called species protection a "megatrend" with reference to its increased relevance among investors. Biodiversity has also found its way into the EU...

The windows are opening. While most stock market candidates still had to watch the successful placements of Porsche AG, IONOS and thyssenkrupp nucera behind half-drawn curtains, the IPOs of SCHOTT Pharma and Renk seem to be the starting signal for a whole series of ventures. This is not only an important signal for the German capital market, which has been...

Almost every listed company can claim to have a coherent equity story. But many company board members or IR managers know how easily they get embarrassed when asked about this. Despite a longer than usual pause for thought, the answer is often not very structured and ends in a long and complex description of the company, its positioning and its...

The homo economicus of neoclassical economic theory is a consistently reasonable contemporary who maximises his utility with unlimited rationality, irrepressible willpower and without a hint of altruism. Loosely based on the German economist Hanno Beck, a meeting in the flesh is as realistic as that of the elective half-Vulcan Mr. Spock, who landed on Earth after a successful space mission...

There has long been a lively discussion in the financial world about whether asset valuation should be regarded more as a quantitatively exact science or rather as an "artistic" discipline. To many company representatives, this discussion may seem quite academic in the current situation. After all, the stock market correction of the current year has hit the share prices and...

The term “Zeitenwende” (turn of the times) might be a favourite for the election of the word of the year 2022. When Olaf Scholz used this term in the German Bundestag at the end of February, it was about its political dimension: the attack on Ukraine and the return of imperialist ambition and military aggression to Europe seemed unimaginable until...

Sustainable financing is experiencing a boom - and yet it is only at the beginning of its dynamic growth. This is evidenced by the strong increase in investor demand, attractive financing conditions for issuers and the high financial needs to sustainably transform the economy. The dramatic images from Ukraine and the security policy need to become independent of fossil energy...

The period from mid-November to mid-December - i.e. after the Q3 announcements until around the third of Advent - has firmly established itself as the peak season for Investor Days. This year, even more companies have secured their place in the calendar. Why is that? This is due to catch-up effects after the low number of events in 2020 and...