New perspectives

on the capital markets.

We are ALLINCAPITALS. We stand for fair, open and target-oriented communication.

We are ALLINCAPITALS. We stand for fair, open and target-oriented communication.




About us


Your competent and innovative partner and problem solver


We decided to found ALLINCAPITALS in 2021. This was a consistent step. Over time and in various positions, our professional paths have crossed again and again. We have found that we are driven by the same: success-oriented work on exciting projects, goal-oriented consulting in the interests of our clients and curiosity about new things.

About us


Your competent and innovative partner and problem solver


We decided to found ALLINCAPITALS in 2021. This was a consistent step. Over time and in various positions, our professional paths have crossed again and again. We have found that we are driven by the same: success-oriented work on exciting projects, goal-oriented consulting in the interests of our clients and curiosity about new things.


“In my role as an advisory board member of crossinx GmbH, I have come to know Marcus Sander as a very prudent CFO. He works very carefully, gets to the point, is quick to react and can be relied on to have a high level of analytical expertise.”

Klaus Rosenfeld, Schaeffler AG, CEO
(translated from German)

“Carsten Werle has shaped the IR work of Talanx AG for a decade with high internal and external recognition. Marcus Sander and Carsten Werle are a very well-functioning team.”

Herbert K. Haas, Talanx AG, Chairman of the Supervisory Board, 2006-2018 CEO
(translated from German)

“Professionalism, pragmatic approach, competent interview partners and quick results clearly presented – a very good experience in our perception study with ALLINCAPITALS!”

Anna-Maria Fischer, Continental AG, Head of Investor Relations
(translated from German)

“ALLINCAPITALS was a great help to us when we needed an interim solution for our IR function. Carsten Werle covered the entire spectrum of IR tasks from mandatory topics to reporting and AGM organisation to investor communication with the highest level of expertise, professionalism and flexibility.”

Dr. Christian Danninger, AIXTRON SE, CFO
(translated from German)

“Carsten Werle has continuously improved Talanx’s IR activities from a high level. The Capital Market Days in particular were among the best events in the sector. He understands how to neatly highlight the key value drivers of a complex company.”

Frank Kopfinger, LEG Immobilien AG, Head of IR & Strategy, previously sell side analyst insurance, among others at Deutsche Bank
(translated from German)

“In addition to his excellent analytical skills, Marcus Sander stands out above all because he quickly understands business models and quickly familiarises himself with the competitive environment of companies. In doing so, he never loses sight of the big picture.”

Norbert Lang, 1&1 AG, Rocket Internet SE (u.a.), Member of the supervisory board; 2002 – 2015 United Internet, CFO
(translated from German)

“I got to know Marcus Sander as an equity analyst and have greatly appreciated his analyses over many years. He has an excellent network that helps him bring investors and companies together and thus significantly improve capital market communication.”

Matthias Born, Berenberg Wealth & Asset Management, Head of Investments & CIO Equities




Listing Partner & Capital Market Coach

We look forward to developing new perspectives on the capital markets with you.

Blog – 10 Apr 2024

IR and ESG work are moving ever closer together. In this blog post, Martina Kiehas sheds light on why corporate governance in particular requires attention.

Podcast – 29 Jan 2024

As CFO of IONOS, Britta Schmidt managed to do in 2023 what very few others have: successfully take a company public. Find out more about IONOS’ business and the lessons she learnt from the IPO in our new episode. (German version)

Blog – 10 Apr 2024

IR and ESG work are moving ever closer together. In this blog post, Martina Kiehas sheds light on why corporate governance in particular requires attention.

Podcast – 29 Jan 2023

As CFO of IONOS, Britta Schmidt managed to do in 2023 what very few others have: successfully take a company public. Find out more about IONOS’ business and the lessons she learnt from the IPO in our new episode. (German version)